0 Stars

A river that has been explored but no canyon was found.


A river / canyon that has not yet received a grade.


Non-Technical, gorge walking or scrambling.


Can be ascended or descended.


Single pitch canyoning.


Technical canyoning.


View all the canyoning events that are planned in the UK.

Early-season get together

1st – 2nd May

Dundonnell & Pharaohs

Click view more to join, *this is a recreational event, not guided.

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0 Star Canyons

If you have descended rivers in search of canyons but didn't find anything, enter their location here. This information prevents repeated descents of 0 Star Canyons.


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Missing Information

If you know more about a canyon not on this map then we want to hear from you. You can add or change information by following the link below.


The information provided on Canyon Log may be inaccurate or out of date, Anchors are frequently removed and floods can completely change the canyons. If you choose to use the information provided on Canyon Log, you do so at your own risk. Ensure you and your group have the necessary skills before entering any Canyon.​ If you have found incorrect information on Canyon Log, please let us know.