Upper section is relatively easy going, Lower section is very technical. Takes a long time after precipitation to go down to safe level.
Canyon Descent:
Highest Drop:
Canyon Length:
Minimum Ropes:
1x 50m + 1x 30m
Flood Risk:
Access Type:
Rock Type:
Duration: in, down and out:
IN: 30mins DOWN: 2.5hrs OUT: 20mins
🗣️ Reid Dee. Treweunydd aka Rhyd Ddu: Upper section is relatively easy going. Lower section is very technical. ⚠️ Long lag time ⚠️ Extreme and real risk of being washed off the first 25m waterfall in moderate flow, very difficult to spot and stop if you don't. Last waterfall has a major entrapment risk, done as multi-pitch hanging rebelay. Be aware of sharp rock during change over. House at the bottom very unfriendly. Despite what they say, they do not own the gorge. Be polite and move on.
Approach by Car: Park at Rhyd Ddu Car park. Approach by foot: Follow the signs to the ranger path (head NNW), the track stays away from the road and heads up hill crossing the railway line and through a slate quarry, when the track leads you to the footbridge over the river, you get in. Canyon entry: Enter by jumping, sliding or down climbing into the first pool (check depth first). Canyon descent: A progressive descent which starts off with small slides and abseils and progresses to more committing sections throughout. Refer to Topo. Exit: when you reach the footbridge, exit the canyon and head back to the car. Escapes: escape is possible in the upper section, would be much harder in the lower section.
This Canyon is Guided
Before entering this canyon please call the operator(s) below to prevent queuing. If you would like to be guided through this canyon get in contact with the recommended operator(s) below.
Have You Descended This Canyon Recently?
If so we would love to hear from you in the comment section below! Let the whole community know more about this canyon, Information such as time taken to: approach, descend and exit are extremely helpful, as well as any new hazards you may have come across whilst canyoning at this location.  If any information on this page is missing, incorrect or out of date, please get in contact with us directly so we can rectify as soon as possible. 
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Sol - Adventure Activities Wales
Sol - Adventure Activities Wales
June 16, 2024 9:00 pm
Canyon Experience :

Love this canyon, anchors are still good, slides are still fun. Locals at the bottom still grumpy (avoid going near their garden/ move fast passed it if you can).

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