A short, scenic and committing trip with picturesque abseils and some quality scrambling.
Canyon Descent:
Highest Drop:
Canyon Length:
Minimum Ropes:
1X 30m
Flood Risk:
Access Type:
Rock Type:
Duration: in, down and out:
IN: 2 minuets DOWN: 1hr OUT: 5 minuets
Currently this canyon has no anchors, all rappels must be ghosted. An inspection of anchors prior to a descent is recommended.
Approach by Car: Park at the car park 54.18357253818659, -4.70550895342251 Approach by foot: Walk down the obvious footpath to the bridge over the falls. Inspect pools prior to entering the gorge Canyon entry: Walk through the grass picnic area and follow the rough track until you get to the top of the river bank. Use the large tree as an anchor to get in the river. Canyon descent: -First abseil is 7m down mossy bank into the river then after a very short walk you reach the first falls, a good tree anchor is up high on the TR making for an easy pull down. the pool below is deep and shallows out before the next drop. No anchor is present in the pool so a hanging anchor may be required. The next pool is also deep and has been jumped however due to a log jam rappelling is currently advised. You can either exit the river at the viewing platform or continue for a quality gorge scramble for 100m. Exit: Once you reach the concrete path TL, exit the river, no notable features are past this point. Escapes: Not possible to easily escape between R2 and R3. Otherwise escape is possible.
Have You Descended This Canyon Recently?
If so we would love to hear from you in the comment section below! Let the whole community know more about this canyon, Information such as time taken to: approach, descend and exit are extremely helpful, as well as any new hazards you may have come across whilst canyoning at this location.  If any information on this page is missing, incorrect or out of date, please get in contact with us directly so we can rectify as soon as possible. 
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