A short, sharp approach to a steep, slippery canyon comprising of continuous abseils and slides.
Canyon Descent:
Highest Drop:
Canyon Length:
Minimum Ropes:
2x 40m
Flood Risk:
Access Type:
Rock Type:
Duration: in, down and out:
IN: 35 mins DOWN: 2.5hrs OUT: 20 mins
River Name: Afon Glaslyn, Dam located above this canyon! This canyon reacts rapidly to precipitation and contains a mix of anchors, the majority of the bolts are in good condition however some could do with being replaced, all additional metal work and webbing attached to the hangers needs replacing, ideally with 16mm webbing and quality SS rings. (UPDATED NOVEMBER 21)
Park at the Snowdon view point, in the summer this may be difficult as it can get busy and off road parking is limited. Go through the old metal gate into the public access land. Follow the spur down the hill, cross the track and join the road leading to the water works. Before the bridge you will see a obvious point to cross the river (water level marker location) cross over the river and join the footpath heading away from the water works. After 50m turn left off the track and head up towards the large spur near the top of the canyon, be aware this land is private and damage to the walls may result in loss of access. The approach to the top of the spur is steep and may be difficult when the bracon reaches its full height. Once on the spur, follow it up until you reach the wall heading towards the canyon, cross over the styles and head to the river, this is the start of the canyon. Get in below the wall, the lower half of the waterfall is a slide which can be reached by climbing up from the pool however check the depth first as its only just deep enough. The next feature is a small 2m slide into a deep pool followed by carefull downclimbing to reach the first bolts (a1). Two have been placed on the rock above the water however due to spacing it is easier to use the one closest to the drop. It should be noted that this abseil is in the flow and there is a high risk of entrapment, fortunately this feature can be downclimbed TL. if you have chosen to abseil, you will need to climb out of the pool and find the two bolts located TL close to the pool (easily found if down climbed). This abseil (a2) has the option of being in or out of the flow with the landing area being the obvious pool at the bottom. A3 is located TL of the pool below a small tree, this abseil is out of the flow and has a easy landing area. A4 is located around the corner on the TR, this is also a slide which requires rope to access the start safely, check pool first, it's only just deep enough. After this pool are two bolts located TR, best used as a safety line to the linked bolts 5m below. A5 has a wet and dry line, wet definitely being the adventure option. at the base of A5 you're faced with tricky, slippery down climbing or the option of ghosting the final two drops. Escape the canyon TL, A rough track from this point leads you back to the footpath and back to the car park. Page information - Sol Armer
This Canyon is Guided
Before entering this canyon please call the operator(s) below to prevent queuing. If you would like to be guided through this canyon get in contact with the recommended operator(s) below.
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Sol - Adventure Activities Wales
Sol - Adventure Activities Wales
June 16, 2024 8:56 pm
Canyon Experience :

Run several of these trips this year so far. Everyone loved it. Anchors are all still good and still in random locations… No significant changes to pool depths. Usually avoid the slot just before A6 though as most times I’ve been there it’s been moderate – high water.

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