Hydro Scheme works ended

Water conditions have now returned to normal.

A popular canyon with 2 sections, containing jumps abseils and slides.
Canyon Descent:
Highest Drop:
Canyon Length:
Minimum Ropes:
1x 60m
Flood Risk:
Access Type:
Rock Type:
⚠️ 73km2
Duration: in, down and out:
IN: 25 mins DOWN: 1.5 hrs OUT: 5 mins
⚠️ Issues with recreational canyoneers at this location! - House of Bruar have made the complaint, Please be as discreet as possible when changing at this location. A small hydro scheme up stream diverts water from the main river, however after heavy rain Bruar canyon can flash flood! A popular commercially run canyon. The 20m bridge jump is very difficult due to the small landing area and large clearance required, not recommended.
Approach by Car: Park at House of Bruar, Blair, Atholl. Use the large car park, please park away from the store. Approach by foot: Find the path that runs along side the river, close to the House of Bruar. Follow the track up on the TR when you get to the stone bridge, walk across and continue up on the TL until you get to the second bridge, Canyon entry: Cross the bridge and enter upstream of the bridge. Canyon descent: A good mix of features separated by short scrambles. Exit: Once you reach the third bridge, exit and follow track back to the car. Escapes: Possible at most sections of the canyon, may require climbing back up stream to escape at certain points.
This Canyon is Guided
Before entering this canyon please call the operator(s) below to prevent queuing. If you would like to be guided through this canyon get in contact with the recommended operator(s) below.
Have You Descended This Canyon Recently?
If so we would love to hear from you in the comment section below! Let the whole community know more about this canyon, Information such as time taken to: approach, descend and exit are extremely helpful, as well as any new hazards you may have come across whilst canyoning at this location.  If any information on this page is missing, incorrect or out of date, please get in contact with us directly so we can rectify as soon as possible. 
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Dougie Potts
Dougie Potts
September 22, 2024 9:11 pm
Canyon Experience :

Lower Bruar today was in high flow so I suspect the hydro works are still ongoing as it has been pretty dry recently.

Looks like additional fixed handlines have been set to aid commercial groups in current water conditions. We spotted mountain rescue practicing their skills below the main bridge

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