
A very steep approach leads to an impressive canyon with big drops and narrow walls.
Canyon Descent:
Highest Drop:
Canyon Length:
Minimum Ropes:
1 X 120m
Flood Risk:
Access Type:
Rock Type:
Duration: in, down and out:
IN: 1.5hrs DOWN: 4hrs OUT: 40 mins
Mixed (needs work)
Also known as Eas an Tuirc. Very sustained, check weather before you go!, New anchors installed on the 11/01/24. see Topo for details
Approach by Car: Follow A83 to Clachan, park in the small parking area located just after you turn off the main road. Approach by foot: follow signs to the brewery then the private road. Follow the private road until you reach the power lines then head up the hill. Once you reach the top of the hill head left towards the right side of the large crag in the distance. The canyon begins to the right of this crag. Canyon entry: The canyon begins with a DC TL of the river. Canyon descent: Very steep narrow and committing, multiple drops which require a rope, the upper section has some very impressive features and definitely shouldn't be missed. Exit: The final drops are now shallow, once you make it to a long flat section of river either exit TL immediately and walk parllel to the base of the hill until you reach the road or follow the river TR until you see the road. Escapes: Only escapable in the middle section of down climbs, see TOPO. First Decent: (Unknown) 
Have You Descended This Canyon Recently?
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Steve Small
Steve Small
January 14, 2024 4:01 pm
Canyon Experience :

*New anchors added (11th Jan 2024)*

Low levels, pools frozen and bolts under a layer of ice.

We added/replaced some anchors on troublesome pitches (see updated topo).

A1 – the original anchors are 2 linked bolts on TL but it’s snaggy, previous groups got ropes stuck. We used the TL anchors for a traverse line to access TR and placed a monobolt with cleaner pull through.

A2 – it’s not too difficult to get on top of the sump

A4 – there’s a steep but straightforward escape here on TL

A6 & A7 – we added 2 linked bolts at the lip on the falls on TL, accessed by a 5m traverse line from the tree. We also added a monobolt for an optional rebelay ~35m down on TL. So the pitch (60m total) can be split into roughly 5m (traverse line) 35m (A6) then 20m (A7) *not exact, needs measured.

A8 – three old flood damaged pieces of webbing have been removed and replaced. Recommended to bring spare tat with you.

Fun adventure canyon, well worth the trip

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