Broccoli Gorge

A long, low flowing canyon with small drops in sculpted bedrock separated by deep pools separated with lots of gorge walking.
River name: Allt Broighleachan. Last recorded descent in 2014. Grade 4 due to no anchors in place, the technical challenge of the rest of the gorge would warrant a lower grade.
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Malcolm Airey
Malcolm Airey
July 27, 2024 9:54 pm
Canyon Experience :

Unfortunately a bit of a let-down – a few “meh” jumps interspersed with long gorge walks or walking along the river bank. Detailed findings below but in all honesty the cliff / bridge jumping at Eas urchaidh was better “bang for your buck”.

Parked at Eas Urchaidh parking.

We entered the allt broighleachan at NN236333. Couple of easy downclimbs.
First feature found at 238332. Jump 6m RL, or 9m RR. (First pic)
Then a long gorge walk to a scrappy 2m jump at 241330, pic 2.
Then we walked alongside the river to the lower gorge marked on the OS 1:25k, which starts 100m downstream of a bridge.
3rd feature was a jump 3m RL into a wee cauldron, pic 3, 242327
50 m further, 4th feature was a jump 2m RR, pic 4.

Then a slippy gorge walk until the river meets the Orchy just above the parking.

Wouldn’t recommend, probably worth marking as a zero star canyon but If all these jumps were in a 200m section of river with a shorter approach it could conceivably get half a star.. spread over 2km, it’s probably not worth it. No abseiling required, all jumps were inspected by downclimbing.

Last edited 6 months ago by Malcolm Airey
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